SupplyKick Hits New Sales Record on Amazon Prime Day

Jul 12, 2017 3:36:18 PM

INDIANAPOLIS, July 12, 2017

  • Amazon's 2017 Prime Day sales surpassed Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
  • SupplyKick saw a Prime Day sales increase of 189% over 2016.
  • Amazon sellers are finding new opportunities for sales growth.

Amazon’s Prime Day is officially America’s third biggest sales holiday. Everyone knows about Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but in only three years, Amazon has created a mid-July sales extravaganza for retailers.

SupplyKick helps brands manage and maximize their Amazon sales, and just like Amazon’s reported records this year, SupplyKick had their biggest sales day ever. In fact, SupplyKick's Prime Day growth outpaced even Amazon’s overall sales growth.

Compared with Prime Day in 2016, SupplyKick saw a sales increase of 189%. And compared with 2016 Cyber Monday, Prime Day this year brought in 76% higher sales.

"No matter how you look at it, Prime Day is an online sales bonanza," said SupplyKick CEO Josh Owens. "It's clear that brands who use Amazon's best practices are able to take full advantage of the opportunities that events like Prime Day present."

If you’re a brand that didn’t see nearly 200% sales growth yesterday, contact SupplyKick today to see how your brand can win on Amazon.

Source: SupplyKick, LLC

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