Blog: Amazon Marketplace Strategies | SupplyKick

Why Should I Partner with One Trusted Seller on Amazon?

Written by SupplyKick | May 17, 2017 12:58:02 PM

There is no shortage of challenges facing your brand as you expand your product lines onto Amazon and other online marketplaces. Between warehousing hassles, constantly-changing terms of service, and strong competition, there are plenty of ways to lose sales.

To make matters worse, Amazon won’t keep unauthorized sellers from hawking your products at discounted rates. The competitive nature of the marketplace is what makes Amazon so appealing to consumers, even if the resulting Buy Box war tarnishes your brand’s image.

These unauthorized re-sellers tend to violate your MAP policy by lowering the price of your products, which confuses customers about the value of your product. And worse, with multiple sellers on a listing, no one has the incentive to invest in quality photography or advertising for fear they won’t ultimately get the Buy Box sale. Unfortunately, the responsibility of controlling your brand and product on Amazon, even if you don’t currently sell on Amazon, rests with you, and you alone.

Now for the good news – there’s a solution.

The one way to avoid this negative impact on your brand is to partner with one trusted seller who understands the intricacies of strict Amazon policies and knows how to effectively market your brand in online marketplaces. A single trusted Amazon selling partner can increase profits, protect your brand reputation, and forge a simplified experience with Amazon.

Single Seller Relationship

Benefits Drawbacks
  • Easy to control and protect product price
  • Partner to streamline ordering and unify fulfillment strategy
  • Incentive to invest in product advertising
  • Common customer service and brand representation
  • You might choose the wrong partner to work with.



Multiple Seller Relationships

Benefits Drawbacks
  • Product is likely to be in stock with many sellers fulfilling




  • Difficult to control product price since sellers can't differentiate another way
  • Low incentive to invest in advertising since seller may not get buy box sale
  • Varying fulfillment strategies confuse customers and dilute brand experience
  • Lack of unified customer service and brand representation

Because Amazon cares little about who is selling your product, even if the seller in question is unauthorized to do so, serious complications can arise. Through our Seller relationship, SupplyKick has dedicated contacts with Amazon and understands their often-strict policies, allowing us to get products in front of customers without compromising the brand’s integrity.

As a single seller for a brand, SupplyKick invests heavily in dynamic listing copy, photography, and paid traffic. We save money for our partners through unified fulfillment and re-ordering processes at full market demand. Additionally, our Prime status allows us to price and advertise your products appropriately and improve your overall brand health in the marketplace.

At SupplyKick, our mission is to simplify the world of Amazon and grow brands to their full potential through a lasting partnership. We help weed out the effects of multiple sellers, price products appropriately, and communicate with brands to ensure that their values are represented to the customer.

Your brand needs and deserves a dedicated single seller on Amazon. It is the only way your brand will see sustained growth in an online platform.